Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day weekend

To say that May has been a busy month would be an understatement. So I guess having a 3 day weekend is what is takes to get something back up and running on the blog.

Jessica was home for a little over a week after completing her first year of grad school. She is a delight to have around the house and of course there is always something going on with her friends. We showed her off to our friends at Belmont happy hour too. She is off to Istanbul for a weeklong Brandeis fellowship now and when she returns  from that she will begin her summer internship at Boston Beer in Boston. (Sam Adams is their most recognizable brand). Then in August she is off to Milan, Italy for a semester abroad. That leads into my exciting news. Steve and I have planned a trip to see her in October and will spend time touring northern Italy and Switzerland and maybe even make it into France. Then we will be taking a slow boat home. We have scheduled a transatlantic crossing from Rome to New York with stops at Sardinia, Italy, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, and Lisbon, Portugal. A very exciting trip to look forward to all summer.

But for now it is summertime and we should be golfing. Mothernature has not been kind to our area this spring though. With cooler than normal temperatures and rainfall amounts over 8 inches above normal, the golf course is practically unplayable. We keep hoping the trend will change so maybe todays sunshine and warmth will be the beginning.

Happy Memorial Day!

Just checked out the preview of this and see the Santa pictures. I will have to update that with some new AJ shots this week.

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's My Birthday and I am not out of the country

But the plan is to visit Jessica while she is studying in Italy next fall so I am foregoing the usual celebration in another country. For this year!! I had a great Mothers Day yesterday even though it is not one of my favorite holidays anymore. Steve and I played golf with friends and Mike, Jesi and AJ came over for dinner. We shared stories, laughed and had fun. I hope everyone remembers that time waits for no one. Enjoy the people you have in your life. Enjoy your time everyday. Getting older is a gift. I promise today I will not lament about turning 60.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday May 1

Welcome May. Today was not the weather we want for May. Cool, cloudly and wet. But at least I am home for the rest of the summer. Last week I flew back to Florida and drove with my parents back home. Maybe for their last trip. As much as we think Florida is a great place to be in the winter they are reluctant to commit to going back next winter. Health and age put a different perspective on things.

I am anxious to get on with summer activities. I have enjoyed my winter but I am so ready to play golf on our golf course and spend time with friends this summer.