Monday, August 4, 2008

Just Monday

It was a busy week last week and promises to continue that pattern this week. I will be picking Jessica up early tomorrow morning as she is flying the red eye from LA tonight. I have cleared my schedule of any obligations so that we can do whatever strikes our fancy. Looks like it will great weather for any and all activities.

On Saturday Mike and I participated in the area Special Olympics Unified Golf tournament. This event brings teams from Northwest Ohio together in competition and establishes what division you will be placed in for the State tournament. We were fortunate to get a gold medal by shooting a score of 58 using an alternate stroke format. It was one of our higher scores but the course was tough and the heat on Saturday didn't help. We hope to be picked to attend the State tournament in September.

Sunday was family reunion in Kalamazoo. My mothers family has been getting together on the first Sunday in August for over 35 years. We couldn't come up with the exact date this tradition started but many anniversaries, births, and wedding showers have taken place at this party. We do not always get there every year anymore, but it was especially good to be with family yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Wow - I would say you have a lot going on - to say the least! My prayers will be for you and Mike to be picked too!!!
Enjoy your time with Jessica - and give her a hug for me!
I think about you everyday!
Blessings and love your way.
(Sorry I missed your call - I am up for getting together and will do what the majority wants - Tom has an opinion, and will register his wishes with you tomorrow)!

Anonymous said...

Greetings Jessica-Have a wonderful and restorative time here with your family. I suspect you will be busy and spend lots of time talking.
Congratulations to the golfers!!!How can you not be picked to win at states? Wishing you wonderful weather for the whole week.