Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The ups and downs you don't expect

"Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened."

Again an unknown quote that carries so much meaning today. As we mourned for the lost future yesterday, today's quote is a good one to remind us the memories will go on forever . We were all blessed to have had John for as long as we did.

I felt a peace last night that was comforting. I slept. Today I was with AJ, while Jesi took care of some business details. It was hard to be at the apartment where I had last been with AJ when John went to the hospital. John's presence was overwhelming and again the sense of loss hurt. When I got home an email from Annal was waiting. It was an old email from John to Annal explaining the odds of picking all of the teams correctly in the NCAA tournament. John's explanation was great and so simply. It brought the sense of peace back and put a smile back on my face. Life...and loss.


Anonymous said...

I am all for that which puts a smile on your face and brings back positive memories of John. I need not tell you that sometimes you will take a step backwards but then you will step forward into the sunlight as you have already started on that journey. I know my Linda and believe that you will travel the road with grace and love and supported by many prayers.

ps -- would love to read that NCAA email!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you often and sending positive thoughts your way. I am so glad sleep has come. I am also glad peace has come. John has touched so many people-people you don't even know he has touched. Adam said to me the other day that he feels he has learned what strength really is from John. He said he takes positive thought and hard work more seriously now and knowing how hard John fought to be with you all for so long is a life lesson. Take peace and pride in all that your son has touched. And recognize how loved you are and how much support is behind you. As alone as you feel sometimes-you never are far in our thoughts. To strength and healing and wonderful memories of a special son.

Anonymous said...

Smiles and sleep - a great combination! I will continue to pray for more.
I so admire your spirit and courage as you walk through this grieving process.
I love you dearly!

Bev said...

I am sooooo glad you have had sleep and peace. I feel certain those peaceful moments will be more and more often in the near future. I continue to think and pray for you dear friend.