Friday, January 4, 2008

Yea! It's Friday

Yesterday was OK. John spent most of the day of the couch while AJ and I played with some of his new Christmas toys. Overall John is tired and in some pain. The doctor has prescribed an additional pain med and he will get his blood levels checked next week. After the chemo the blood levels often fall and add to the tired feelings. Add the gray Ohio winter to that and you have the perfect setting for a depressed mood.

It will be good to get on with a normal schedule again after the December holidays and extra days off. Routine is good for everyone. Mike was out looking for new jobs yesterday and hopefully something will happen in that arena soon. I didn't mind him around for Christmas because it was such a busy time but now he needs to be up and working. He is too quickly enjoying sitting around all day watching TV. I guess I will have to update my chores list. I will put him on the "get more organized" resolution.

It was great to have Jessica around for a week during Christmas but the time passed much too quickly and we weren't able to spend much mother daughter time together. She worked hard to bond with AJ and was very successful. He was sad to see her leave, giving her big hugs and kisses. She is back at her desk at Fox this week and already planning more vacations.

So that is the wrap for this week. Keep the good vibes, and prayers coming in. It certainly helps to know there are others interested and involved. I thank you all for that.


Anonymous said...

You remain in my daily thoughts and prayers - I think of you so often!
I enjoyed talking to Stu the other day - he was really calling to talk to Tom and give him some @!#$ over ASU's poor bowl showing!

Know that the welcome mat is always out, and we need no notice if it works for you all to stop by and stay with us on your way to FLA.

Smooches, thoughts, and prayers your way!

Anonymous said...

Linda-you are amazing the way you keep your head up and also keep everyone else's spirits up too. We are all rooting so hard for John-and the entire family. I feel so inadequate just donating blood-I wish there was more I could do. Success, Happiness, and Love for you all.

Anonymous said...

Good morning to you. Are you still in Columbus or are you back in Toledo? I am hoping for sunshine in Ohio to help chase your gray winter away. Bob flew through Columbus yesterday (from Cincinati)and said our cold weather here in Florida felt pretty good. Hope John is feeling a little better and tell Mike he can still come and work here. You are an amazing lady.