Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Staying busy

I talked to home today and John, Jesi, and AJ are settled into the Perrysburg Stanford household with Mike. John had his blood levels checked Monday before they left Marysville and the platelets were up to 170, well over what is needed for the temodar (chemotherapy). Temodar is a pill form of chemo that has proven successful in treating brain tumors because it crosses the blood brain barrier better than many other chemos. We are hoping it has some effect on the heart tumor too. If not John will have to go back to the other combination he was getting in addition to the temodar. The beauty of this right now is that it can be done in Perrysburg as opposed to Columbus. It will be interesting to see how long nurse Mike waits on John. Probably only as long as John loses to him in Nintendo. I am happy they can be staying in our house while we are gone and hopefully their Marysville house will sell.

No jobs for Mike yet. One possibility last week was in Bowling Green working at the courthouse but it disappeared when they found out transportation wouldn’t be available. Mike could work in BG without transportation but it would involve moving there so he could drive himself. He is reluctant to leave Perrysburg and we feel there are probably opportunities that will work for him in town.

Now for the Florida update. Steve is working hard and I am playing hard. I have finished one book, played tennis, and been to the fitness center twice. I have also walked the beach and worked on my digital photo albums. I am beyond relaxed and now will have to work to keep from getting bored. Tonight Steve is working so I am having dinner with mom and dad and then going to BINGO with mom. Mom is a very lucky BINGO player so I will probably just be glad to be with a winner. The weather here is fantastic. It is so hard to believe that it can be so cold in other parts of the country when it is sunny and warm here. I can understand why people want to come here for the wintry months.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are good on all fronts. I will continue to pray for the right job for Mike.
Good luck with Bingo - your Mom will love your company.
Glad the sunshine and warm weather is providing good times for you - we are mighty chilly up here!
Continue the fun.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the continuing good news from Ohio and will pray even harder that the temodar will be the miracle that John deserves.

Now what is this about Linda possibly getting bored. We can't have that so let me know at least a day ahead if Steve has to work the weekend and I will drive down for a girl's weekend. The only weekend I am not available would be the very first weekend in February. Maybe I will just move in with you for the month or so you are here. Of course you can move in with me if you wish.

News of the Day: I did not win "the house" on auction. I felt better when I saw that it sold for $512,000 which was significantly greater than my high bid.

I think the weather will be getting progressively warmer so "working on tan" can be added to your vacation to do list and then crossed off whenever you head back north.

See you soon...