Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Don't sweat the small stuff

Those of you that know me know that I am a list and agenda person. So I have been working items off my lists of things to do before Florida. Neatly scratching off accomplishments and seeing the list grow smaller. But then...those irritating everyday normal problems sneak in to totally disrupt the flow. My cell phone battery was performing poorly and I knew it would have to be addressed soon but yesterday I got 2 short calls on a fresh recharge and the battery was dead. Not something that can be dealt with while travelling. So I added a trip to the verizon store to check the options on new phones and batteries. Of course we are 3 months short of the new every 2 program but I did get a new battery. Then last night as I am getting the dishwasher soap from under the kitchen sink I notice it is all wet. I tracked the problem down to the spray hose nozzle. So off to Home Depot at 8pm last night to buy a new one. Problem fixed. Agenda reorganized. Can I add those two things to my list now so I can scratch them off? It looks like I have accomplished so much more that way.

Todays list is ready. I am laughing at yesterdays little problems. They really are little in the scheme of life and I am sure something will pop up today and tomorrow that I am not aanticipating. There will probably be things that don't get done too. It isn't going to bother me. I am working toward chilling for awhile.

Which brings me to today's thought. It's a good one by Charles Spurgeon an English preacher from the 1800's.

Life is made up of many changes; and no state, be it bright or clouded, will always continue.


Anonymous said...

I hope that you have "write the blog" on your to do list, one, so you can cross it off, and two, so you keep on doing it now that I am addicted. Have a safe journey and perhaps you might send me your cell phone number (if the battery still works) so I can reach you here in Florida. I do hope that you have saved your suitcase to the very last. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

From one list person to another - I can't wait to see you!