Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday May 4 day 2 in Amsterdam

We woke up this morning refreshed and more attuned to the local time. Breakfast was included in our hotel stay so we had a nice meal to start the day. Unfortunately when we checked with the hotel about where the Rotary dinner meeting was being held we learned it had been cancelled due to the Rememberance Day holiday in the Netherlands. So the saying goes "let no battle (travel) plan go unchanged". We will have to find a place for dinner tonight and perhaps check the Rotary International site to see if we can find another meeting to attend.

Our next adventure of the day was to get to The Keukenhof Gardens. A walk, a local bus, and the express bus to Keukenhof worked very smoothly. We got to see some of the tulip fields on the ride in and they are quite spectacular but nothing could quite prepare you for the Keukenhof. Sensory overload at its finest.  We had debated all along about bringing the Nikon and decided not to because we felt Keukenhof would be the only place it would really be an asset over a basic IPhone. Well these are some of the iPhone pictures we took so you can imagine what the Nikon might have produced. 
It is truly an amazing place and I am so happy our visit coincided with the 8 weeks it is open. Viewing the grounds both Steve and I marveled at why such a beautiful park like setting would only be open to show off the early spring flowers. The theme this year was the 125 birthday of Vincent Van Gogh and a planting of over 250,000 bulbs highlights this at the garden.

Popsicle trees.


Sue said...

I am enjoying your postings. Can't wait until you get to Paris and Normandy.

Jan said...

Love the flower photos. Wish I was there. Just beautiful