Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 16, day 14 of Vacation

After a typical European light breakfast at the B and B we were off to the Royal Museum of the Fine Arts. The day was overcast so a museum day was the perfect choice. We are very centrally located so it was only about a 10 minute walk. Not crowded, but busy as there is a special Chagall exhibit too. We opted for the 3 museum pass without the Chagall. We started with the old Masters which included art from the period 1400-1600. Very interesting after our experience at the D'Orsay in Paris with the later period impressionists. Both Steve and I are overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge that is required to "know" art. But we enjoyed the masters. From there we went to the Modern Art Museum. This included "protest" art. Not my thing at all. It is very strange what is determined to be museum quality art in this genre. We finished our cultural day with the Magritte Museum which is 3 floors of the life of Rene Magritte, a famous Belgian surrealist artist.
Our plan now was to wander down to a Beer Bar that our host had recommended for trying Belgium Beers. We were surprised by the loud music and congregating of people a few blocks from the museum. It seems it is Belgium Gay Pride week and the parade is going past  the street we are walking. This is an experience we are not likely to have anywhere else so we watch. Wow! It is huge with more than 25 large "floats" being pulled by trucks. Everyone is having a great time and there are parties all over the city.  

We finally make it to the beer bar and enjoy a few different selections with a light supper. 

We walked around the city after dinner to a 10 story parking garage that our host has also recommended. From the top you can see most of the city. Amazing free tourist site.

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