Friday, August 14, 2009

New Roof

Once again a long week. The big news is that we got a new roof on our house. It has been on the agenda for several years but since there were no major leaks and it was a MAJOR expense it was delayed. The issue became more pressing as the roof on the second story appeared to have a ripple to it. In our estimate the roofer quoted replacing the wood sheets as he felt that rotted wood was causing the ripple. But on day 3 as they tore off the shingles on this section of the roof they found not rotted wood but warped rafters that were not up to code for the length and slant of the roof. So ... bring in the carpenter and replace 24 rafters. Ouch! Of course this work was not in the original estimate. The only consolation in all of this is that the roof looks great and we will not have to worry about getting lots and lots of snow for the next 30 winters.

We did have a house inspection before we purchased the house and this defect should have been brought to our attention. The carpenter even thought the house should never have passed the original inspection because the rafters were not to code. Perhaps some building inspector got a little cash to overlook it. I was able to pull out the inspection that was done when we bought the house and we are considering what options we might have. All of this "fun" I got to handle by myself because Steve was out of town this week.


jools said...

YIKES!! House maintenance is tough. Here in the south, you can expect to reroof every 10-12 years thanks to the heat.
Your home is wonderful, just like the people who occupy it!


kim said...

OUCH! ! I think the most frustrating thing is that you did things the way you are supposed to and still ended up with a major headache. How are we supposed to trust?
I am sure you can sleep better knowing you are protected. Can't wait to be away where we hopefully will have no worries for a whole week.