Tom aka Rocco stopped in for a short visit last night and it was great fun to see he and Steve together. If only our bodies would age at the same slow pace our minds do. Those two could have been 18 years old again if we could only hear and not see.
Remember the recipes that required you to get a starter from someone who was already making the recipe. I am a recipient of a starter for Amish Cinnamon Bread. My friend Trina brought it over on Sunday and we are following the directions to mush it in the baggie for the next couple of days before we add some additional ingredients and pass part of the batter on for others to enjoy. Here is our baggie of starter.

Great picture of Stu and Rock - both still darn good-looking! I wish I could have been with you all. Know that I am thinking about you!
Hey-I think those two still qualify in the "hunka hunka burnin love" category. We were thinking of you and knowing what a good relaxing time was being had. Next time maybe the party will be bigger. Not the parties-ha ha-but the party. Sending sunshine thoughts on a cloudy day...
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