Flash forward to December 28th. Steve is suffering from the flu (we think). He has a temperature in the triple digits and he says there is no way he will be (or should be) attending the game Tuesday night. So we called the cousins to fill in. Tim and Andrew took Mike to the game. It was even more fun for Mike to be with Tim and Andrew than the parents. The neat part of it was that they even became part of the show as often happens to those sitting court side. Mike bought a souvenir Globetrotter Basketball. He was able to get it signed by Cobra Coley, the player he is pictured with. Cobra is also the player making the dunk over the referee. Tim got some great shots to remember the evening with. It was our gift to see Mike have such a good time. Thanks Tim and Andrew.
"In prosperity, our friends know us;in adversity, we know our friends." John Churton Collins
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Big Night for Mike
Flash forward to December 28th. Steve is suffering from the flu (we think). He has a temperature in the triple digits and he says there is no way he will be (or should be) attending the game Tuesday night. So we called the cousins to fill in. Tim and Andrew took Mike to the game. It was even more fun for Mike to be with Tim and Andrew than the parents. The neat part of it was that they even became part of the show as often happens to those sitting court side. Mike bought a souvenir Globetrotter Basketball. He was able to get it signed by Cobra Coley, the player he is pictured with. Cobra is also the player making the dunk over the referee. Tim got some great shots to remember the evening with. It was our gift to see Mike have such a good time. Thanks Tim and Andrew.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Remembering John December 26,1980
May we all live the toast from Jim Chandler at our Christmas dinner this year
" Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often"
Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Let the Festivities Begin
I have a really cute web site for anyone with small kids or grandkids. This will help you produce a video Christmas visit with Santa from the north pole. It takes a minute but is really cute when finished. Thanks for sharing it with me Hilary.
This is the link. Hope it works for you.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday and the furnace install is complete
Steve and I decorated the Christmas tree this weekend. As usual it is a perfect tree once it got all of the lights and ornaments on it. I hate all of the work of a live tree but the smell of pine makes it all worth while. Mike was going to help but his weekend was filled with the Special Olympic regional swim meet. He called last night and his results were a 2nd place finish in the relay, a fourth place finish in the 50free style, and a fifth in the 100 free. He did not place as well as he did in the area meet but I am sure there was more competition this weekend. Next weekend he goes to Ohio State University for the State Swim Meet. He likes the social aspects of this weekend adventure more than the swimming. There is usually a dance and some time for Christmas shopping.
Jessica comes home on Friday morning. She is taking the red eye from LA on Thursday night and arrives in the wee hours in Detroit Friday. Not sure if we will have the snow she wants but it looks like it will be cold enough. It will be a busy time from now until New Years.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Coldest of the season
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Winter may be here
We are having a real "live" Christmas tree again this year and it seems the weather is always cold when we go out to pick it. Mike wants to help so I guess we won't be getting it until this weekend. It will probably be covered with snow and have to sit in the garage before it gets into the house.
My list of 4 major activities for the holiday is cards, christmas cookies, decorating and presents. I always feel good if I get three of the four done well. So far this year I have done a little of each but can not check anything as finished yet. That means I am still shopping so get your list to me.
I have a friend writing a Christmas childrens story on her blog this year. It is cute and fun to watch what the Christmas bears are up to in her house. I am attaching the link to her blog so check it out.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Party Pictures
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The WSJ Crossword Puzzle
Steve got some help working the crossword puzzle yesterday too. I think these pictures pretty well tell the story.
Tonight is the Belmont Christmas party...actually the "holiday party" but I like to think of it as the Christmas party. I am getting old enough that I do not have to be politically correct all of the time. The club is beautifully decorated and we are looking forward to a record turnout. The band is great and there will be lots of dancing tonight. As the co chair this year it has been trying at times to keep everyone happy and still put our own ideas into the party but we are ready tonight to have fun. Let the holidays roll in.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Jessica
Love makes it easier when life gets hard
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving 2009
There have been many tears shed while posting to this blog. A few today while reading past entries and even posting today. But there are many happy moments that have been recorded too. Someday I will be able to read all of the entries with AJ and help him to know what a great Dad he had. And we will be able to laugh at all of the pictures I took of AJ that I got to share with my friends.
Our family has changed but I am still thankful. Thankful for my wonderful husband, my beautiful daughter, and my successful Mike! Thankful for daughter-in-law Jesi, who is a great mom. Thankful for my almost healthy parents who are leaving for Florida tomorrow. Thankful for my friends. Without them I never would have been able to keep this blog going. Knowing they check up on me by reading the blog is a comfort.
With that said my thought for today will be to just wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the friends and family that are with you. Live, laugh, and make memories for tomorrow.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Mike did not get a roommate. The young man decided he wanted to try life entirely on his own and get a one bedroom apartment instead of living with Mike. So we are back to square one. Fortunately Mike continues to do well on his own. He celebrated his 25th birthday with us last weekend.
My mother is doing great. She and Dad think they will be leaving for Florida next week. Mom is still getting physical therapy but that will be available in Florida and the doctor has said it is fine for her to go. The elbow pain is a result of the fractured shoulder and has nothing to do with the artificial elbow.
Steve and I slipped out for 18 holes of golf today. It was a bit cool with a north wind but we are not complaining about playing golf in Ohio on November 22. We are up to picking out some art work for the kitchen. It has been an exciting project. We are glad to be finishing up in time to show it off with a wonderful meal on Thursday.
Friday, November 6, 2009
An update on my mother is good too. She is home with my Dad now and getting around although slowly. The hip fractures are mending and she is able to do some walking. The shoulder is not a big problem but her arm with the elbow replacement is still giving her pain. She is seeing her elbow specialist today. Apparently an artificial elbow needs new bearings every so often and hers were about due anyway. That may be the prognosis from today's visit and surgery to replace them may have to be scheduled.
Mike is doing well. I saw him yesterday and we renewed his drivers licence. I have not heard from the potential roommate yet but hopefully we are still looking at a December 1 date.
Here are a few of the before pictures of the kitchen and the in process pictures.
Old stove and oven
The cupboard for the microwave has already been removed in this picture as well as the old appliance garage.
new quartz countertop and cut out for cook top
First major changes, new counter tops and drop in sink with new faucet. New cooktop and built in oven. The counter top on the island is expanded. Still have the old cupboard knobs, wall paper and no backsplash.
New microwave shelf.
new oven and cooktop
New knobs and drawer pulls!!
Backsplash in process, still need switch plates and cleanup.
Painting in progress
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I have a life!
Steve and I spent much time outside today finishing the exterior painting. We did manage to play 9 holes of golf before the sun set. Still have to take advantage of the 60 degree temps.
My mom is doing well. She may get home next Friday. Lots of work for my Dad but hopefully it will all work out. Mike interviewed a roommate this weekend too. Hopefully by December 1 he will have a roommate.
Too bad about MSU Saturday. What an upset it would have been to beat Iowa. We may have to look to the basketball season for better winning statistics.
"Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost."
Have a great day.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Kitchen Project
I am taking pictures of the kitchen to post as we change the look.
How about this global warming??? High this week so far hasn't reached 50.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Kiawah Pictures
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Home from Kiawah
Our trip to Kiawah was a celebration of friendship. Five couples comprised of "the guys", friends from grade school and high school and the wives. It was an amazing time. We have done the decade birthdays together since 1979 when the guys turned 30. Not everyone every time but everyone has a good time. Steve and I missed the first in 1979 but have been at all of them since. We fear the conversations that might take place when we aren't there so it becomes a necessity to be in attendance or risk being the topic of the week. We rented a large house and cooked in this year and the result will be a best seller cookbook to be published here in the next couple of weeks. Remember to get those recipes to me. It was the perfect way to handle a group of 10 for dinner and also we found the cocktail hours to be much cheaper. Knowing we didn't have to drive home after dinner wasn't all bad either.
Lots to do at home now but look for more Kiawah this week.
Thoughts and prayers out to Tom who ended the week off in Kiawah with a Monday morning appointment for a hip replacement. We understand the surgery was a success and now hope for a speedy rehab.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Alligator warning
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Blog or Facebook
I have felt somewhat overwhelmed this summer with Mike moving out and then breaking up with Kristin, the kitchen project and the roof and house painting. The projects are progressing, Mike seems to be doing OK, and golf is winding down. Vacation next week is a real positive. It will be nice to get away and the time with friends will be priceless. Expect lots of pictures as I am anxious to spent time with the camera experimenting with different settings. With the crowd we are going to be with I am sure there are going to be many picture moments.
For today I continue to tick off the items to get done before vacation.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday Monday oops it is Tuesday
We saw Mike this weekend and he continues to tinker in his duplex. He has been decorating and changing things to his own tastes. It was fun to have him around on Saturday while we had friends at the house. He enjoys being with our friends and it is nice that they include him. He liked having a holiday that he did not have to work and still received pay for. His great delight is not having to work the day after Thanksgiving. I did not realize it until he brought it up for like the 12th time but all of his previous jobs did not include the day after Thanksgiving as a holiday. A reminder to all of us not working in retail or low level factory jobs to enjoy our paid holidays.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Mike continues to do OK. I have been calling him and stopping by on a much more frequent bases this past week and he is adjusting. He misses the company of another person in the house but otherwise is handling living alone. He becomes insurance eligible today. YEA!! The job is great and with time we will get him another girl and short term another roommate.
My postings have been less frequent because I have become addicted to a game on facebook called FarmTown. (thank you very much Amanda) I hope to reach the last level sometime this month and then I will be done with it. I now understand a little better how so much time can be spent on stupid games on the computer. And I thought just surfing was bad enough. If you check it out it is my suggestion that you do NOT start playing. It is fun but truly becomes an addiction for those of us with compulsive personalities.
Golf planned for the holiday weekend and then house painting to go with our new roof. Also getting ready for the 60th birthday bash with the gang in Kiawah. Hopefully the highlight of September!
Keep smiling!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday News
Friday, August 21, 2009
No wedding in Mike's immediate future
Mike is coming to our house for the weekend as we are entertaining my parents who will be here for AJ's 3rd birthday party Saturday. It will be a family weekend and Mike will have lots of support to continue in his goal of independent living. He does like the new job and living in Bowling Green. Perhaps it is better that this is happening sooner rather than later.
Friday, August 14, 2009
New Roof
We did have a house inspection before we purchased the house and this defect should have been brought to our attention. The carpenter even thought the house should never have passed the original inspection because the rafters were not to code. Perhaps some building inspector got a little cash to overlook it. I was able to pull out the inspection that was done when we bought the house and we are considering what options we might have. All of this "fun" I got to handle by myself because Steve was out of town this week.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
So first here are a couple of the pictures from the surprise birthday party that Steve's sister Janet arranged. All of Steve's sibling got together on July 18th at Janet's for dinner and catching up. Steve was surprised and we had a great dinner. Thank you Jan and Janet. Later in the evening Andrew and Tim provided a fireworks display that they had been working on. A great evening.
A Buckeye Cake from Judy
Carol in the background (older) brother John and Steve
The five siblings
Then last weekend I was in Kalamazoo for my mother (Bunschoten) side of the family annual reunion. We have been having a picnic on the First Sunday of August since either 1969 or 1970. No one could quite remember which year it started but it is a real tradition. The little cousins all have big kids now and some of the aunts and uncles are great grandparents too. A wonderful way to keep in touch. My brother always updates everyones information and sends it to us all so we have the most current addresses and phone numbers as well as email addresses now. Another thank you for all involved in the work to make this come off every year. We have the ideal spot at my mom's sister's farm, complete with the pond.
It has been great golf weather and I have been taking advantage of that.