Monday, September 21, 2009

Alligator warning

We are on vacation in Kiawah SC this week and as they say you are never to old to learn something new. Steve and I were bike riding yesterday and as we rode past a pond we heard what sounded like a motorcycle starting. As we came nearer I expected to see a worker with a gasoline engine weed whacker. But neither of these expected pictures came into view. What the sound was surprised both Steve and I. It was a rather large alligator either attacking something or just growling. I never knew that alligators made such a loud unusual sound. We heard it again later sitting on the deck of the house we are renting. There are ponds throughout the island and many signs warning of gators. We are all being a little more conscience now but are glad to know about a potential audible warning there are gators in the immediate vicinity.

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