Tuesday, September 16, 2008


"If you believe everything you read, better not read." Proverb

I saw this quote today and it makes me wonder about the next 7 weeks of presidental campaigning. I like reading the papers but it seems so much of the information is so biased. Is it really the media that will elect the next president? How can we as individuals really get honest information about the candidates? And is it really the candidate themselves or the Party that will rule once elected. And will it really matter in four years which candidate wins. Change is good and I think that is all I can rely on now. Our forefathers were good to write into the constitution no more than 2 four year terms for a president.

I have likes and dislikes with both political party platforms and all four candidates. But I will vote in November and hopefully I will have garnered some truths over the next 7 weeks.


Anonymous said...

The media kind of scares me. Sometimes I am not sure if the candidates even know what they said because of the ability to grab sound bites and put them out of context. Voting today is quite a conundrum...you raise a very good question-who will actually set forth policy? Let us all hope we will learn much more in the coming weeks-and be able to sort out all that is before us! I too will vote, in the most informed manner possible.
Sounds like you are keeping busy, good for you! I believe it always helps to volunteer and aid those less fortunate than we are. You bring a lot of sunshine Linda-thanks!

Anonymous said...

I concur with your views - the newspapers resemble tabloids! I guess I tend to desire to have smaller gov't and place more faith in the private sector. I too can criticize both parties. I do believe the American people have more power than they realize but we all tend to be apathetic and let gov't take care of us. I used to write letters to congress and local politicians - I do believe if people get involved we can make somethings happen. To say the least we live in interesting and challenging times.
As always, your quote hits the mark!
Thinking of you and can't wait for the next time we are together! Loving you.