Thomas the Train Cake
Last Thursday was AJ's second birthday. Jesi planned a party for Sunday so that was when we celebrated. I was excited to think about AJ turning 2 and yet I approached the birthday party with some trepidation. Memories of his first birthday party last year in Marysville with John are still so fresh. It is hard to think about what came so soon after the party. But again planning for the emotional aspects, made the event less stressful than I anticipated. It was especially good to see all of the loving people and support that Jesi and AJ have.
Dear "uncle" Annal surpassed last years present of a framed AJ Hawk picture. Annals inscription on the back of the picture said it could be hung in AJ's dorm room in 18 years as long as it wasn't at Michigan. This year he gave AJ an authentic Buckeye football helmet complete with a few buckeye stickers and the following inscribtion. "Dear A.J., Do you remember last year's present? Well here's (not-so) subliminal message # 2 for birthday #2. Please don't go to Michigan! Love you lots, "Uncle Annal" 8/28/08
Annal is the first to admit his photogenic qualities leave something to be desired but I had to share the picture anyway.
"The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life."
~ Edward Everett Hale
Thank you Annal for your friendship to John.
Hooray for Annal! What a very special person he is and what a very special friend he is for the entire Stanford family. The quilt of life continues to grow for AJ. He will be warmed his whole life by special memories of his Dad from many people in his life. He will have the touching family memories, the special sibling memories, the high school friend memories and the college memories, as well as the extra special memories from his Mom. Stay strong Linda-you are doing an amazing job of holding up everyone with your positive, can do attitude, always with a smile. Sometimes through tears indeed-but then there is a rainbow! Thank you for sharing your stories of strength - (and that cutie AJ).
What a special and loving celebration for AJ! It is obvious that you all are surrounded by good and faithful friends who care deeply for all members of the Stanford family! It is no surprise that John and Jesi would have exceptional friends. So glad for the difference they are making for Jesi and AJ (and you)!
Thinking of you and loving you!
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