I woke up this morning to a familiar sight after the Belmont fireworks party. A room full of John's friends sleeping in the family room. Marty, Annal, and Jesi with AJ were soundly sleeping as I quietly walked around the kitchen getting Mike ready for work. Our Belmont fireworks got rained out Wednesday night but we had friends and family over this year for a pre fireworks picnic. The kid's friends have always been invited to this event and we decided this year would be no different. When we went to bed they were still going strong. Amanda was here too although she opted to drink less and drive home. It was a feel good memory for me although of course it made me miss John and Jessica too.
Jesi is waking up every few hours to check AJ's sugar levels because they are still tweeking the amount of insulin he gets. He has got his cheeks back though and was a joy to have here as well. Here are some of the pictures from last night.
Loved the pictures and sweet images! Heard a quote the other day and thought of you - "Life isn't all about how to survive the storm, but about how we learn to dance in the rain." Sounds like you did!
You continue to hold my heart!
Those cute little cheeks make me want to just pick him up and hug him! I am sure you struggled with your emotions as John's friends and Jesi did too. How wonderful that you could be all together. Looks like Grandma and Grandpa were there too.
How is Mike's job going? We are rooting for all of you and sending love...Take Care of all the precious ones-including yourself!
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