Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Another Try

I really enjoy reading my past posts and feel that I need to make the time to continue this blog. There are so many things going on in my life now that I want to record and this seems to be the place to put it down on "paper". So another try.

So some of the events in the future are a trip to the San Juan Islands in Puget Sound in October to visit with Kathy and Enos. A month in Scottsdale this winter to escape the Ohio winter and a transatlantic cruise from Tampa to Barcelona with a week in Southern France for my birthday trip.

The family is doing well. Jessica is still in Boston working for Cyber Ark and Mike is still in Bowling Green working for the county as a custodian. Jesi and AJ are doing well living in the south end of Toledo near the zoo. AJ just celebrated his 10th birthday. Time certainly flies. He is in the fifth grade at Beverly school and enjoys Leggo club, baseball, and golfing. He became a good swimmer this summer and even jumped off the diving board at Belmont.

My gardening skills continue to improve although the heat of this summer along with the deer and rabbit populations caused some stress. Pictures to follow.

Steve is moving slowly into the "Of Counsel" status and is enjoying his extra free time on the golf course. I am very pleased to have his help around the house too. He has become an excellent omelette maker and is becoming very helpful around the kitchen. I still worry about his re-arranging cupboards with his logic but as long as someone know where things are I guess it will be fine.

Thought for today:
Sometimes the best discoveries are the result of simple observations. Take the make the time to slow down and look around yourself.

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