Monday, June 1, 2015

Back to the Gardens

After almost 2 weeks back home the gardens are starting to take shape. There were so many changes I wanted to make this year and starting 3 weeks late into the season has not helped. I spent several days last week just weeding and trying to remember the plants I had put in late last fall. I know I drew a plan with the plants and locations but it could not be found so I was back to looking at the tags I keep and slowly making headway on what plants were emerging from the earth. The peonies are gorgeous and I am happy with their location for now. The Sheffield Daisies are spreading like crazy and I think I will need a specific location for them instead of the 3 separate places I now have them. The front garden is progressing nicely but needs some additional interest. Steve suggested a big rock. One of the Silver Maples has a split in the bark and produced an enormous amount of seeds this year. Not sure if that is a distress call but I think I will get an arborist to take a look at it. I divided Hostas this weekend and replanted around the back deck. I also planted about half of the Zinnia seeds I collected last year. We got over 4 inches of rain in the last 24 hours and that should help as long as it stays nice now. Today the plan is to put some mulch down.
Some views as of this morning.
                                                               Front garden

                                                 Birdbath garden

                                                   Back deck 
                                                         Bedroom deck 
                                  My goal to have fresh flowers from my garden in my house. 

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