Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday. And it is T minus 2!!!

Lots of last minute running around, packing, taking care of day to day business and finishing up with a few travel details. I think I will be glad to get on the plane and say whatever didn't get done...packed...or taken care of will still be there in 3 weeks and it will get done then. I always make the statement that everywhere I have ever travelled if we don't have something we need, we manage to find a store that has what we need or forgot. I am sure this holds true for the Netherlands and France.

It is cloudy and overcast here today although the local forecast looks wonderful for the next week.  I would be spending lots of time out in the gardens if I were home. I took a picture of the front circle garden today because I think it will be so much fun to make the comparisons when we get home.
Everything is greening up and starting to pop out of the ground but it has been a slow process. We had light frost 2 nights this week so I guess I am glad we will be going away or I am sure I would have been pushing the envelope on getting plants into the ground. The traditional Mother's Day last frost rule will probably apply this year and as such I will only be a week or so late getting my annuals planted. Goedemiddag!  Good afternoon. 

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