Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The First Gift of Christmas 1997

The Snow Children
Dept 56 Accessories

By 1997 as we decorated the house for Christmas our village was pretty sitting on the table in the foyer but it was a ghost town. So the shopping trip...whoops...the buying trip on the busy Saturday before Christmas had a specific purpose. People would be added. The first grouping was the snow children. They slid around the houses for many years until in 2000 when we moved to Ballantree  they got a hill. The buffet counter in the dining room was the new home for the village in 2000 and the hill was created when it became necessary to cover the bar sink faucet. So now in our village the sledding boys are really having fun.

The other grouping of people given as a first (second) gift of Christmas was
 "Christmas Caroling with the Cratchett Family"
This is one of the few pieces that have some sign of age. The loop for lantern on the back of the sleigh broke. There is still a little piece of the handle so the lantern is attached but as you can see it is at somewhat of an awkward angle.

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