Today is my mothers 86
th birthday. It is hard to imagine the changes that my parents have lived through. Mom grew up on a farm in Vicksburg, Michigan. The third daughter of 8 children born to immigrant parents from the Netherlands. I have seen the one room schoolhouse where she and her siblings walked to school through all kinds of weather. Work was the next step in her life. Times were hard and high school was not an option especially for girls. She was a working girl when she met my Dad who had returned to Kalamazoo after serving in WWII. They were married in 1948 and she and dad celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary last August. She worked throughout her life, taking years off to be a stay at home mom while my brother and I attended grade school. She retired in 1983 to spend more time being a grandma. The annual summer trips to Camp Cornell were very special to all of us. She is a champion for Mike. Never seeing the negatives of Down syndrome but always bragging about his accomplishments. Now there are great grandchildren and they are just as special.
Time to relax today mom, and enjoy your Birthday!
We love you.
This is a picture of Jessica and my Mother taken in 1983 when she was 59.

Happy Birthday Mom.
I thought the picture was you and your Mom - wow - talk about looking like your Mom (you and Jessica are carbon copies)!
What a wonderful story about your Mom - we share our Netherland heritage roots! One of the many reasons I feel so close to you!!!
My best to your Mom - a most wonderful and courageous woman - who gave her daughter a wonderful work ethic too!
Best always to you Linda! Belated Birthday Greetings and a special thought from Mother's Day. You always face each day with grace and a smile!
AJ is just too cute-growing and inquisitive! How wonderful for you to have that very special part of John with you.
Your Mom is a heroine to us hardly seems possible that it was a short time ago that education was something that was difficult to achieve. Perseverance and hard work is what makes strong courageous leaders in our lives. And our Mom's are our leaders and champions!! Happy spring (if it ever decides to arrive for good!) Feel a cyber hug!!
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