"In prosperity, our friends know us;in adversity, we know our friends." John Churton Collins
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Car is totaled
We got the word from the adjuster today and the Honda is going to be totaled. Mike will need another car soon because I am not going to be driving to BG twice a day. Mike seems okay with that and I am anxious to get him behind the wheel again. I am sure there will be some anxiety on both of our parts when he resumes driving but I also feel the sooner it happens the better. He is somewhat housebound this weekend without wheels. I offered to bring him home for the weekend but he declined, instead preferring his regular schedule of laundry and cleaning. We stopped at the store and the bank on the way home from work yesterday and so I know he has all of the provisions he needs for a weekend of TV and cleaning.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Bad day good day
Started the day on Tuesday with a phone call from Mike that he had an accident on the way to work. He slid off the wet road on a rainy morning and hit a dumpster in a junk yard. Fortunately no one was hurt and the only real damage was to Mikes car. He went to work and I dealt with the sheriff and the insurance company. We are awaiting the adjusters recommendation now. So much for Tuesday bad day.

Wednesday was a good day because I went to the Imagination Station (the old COSI) with AJ. We had so much fun playing with all of the science games. Redirecting the water was fun too but we both got pretty wet with that activity as you can see from the picture. The next picture is the activity about magnets. We build a bridge between the two large magnets with the bolts. The third picture is AJ with his BP hardhat on at the refinery activity. Unfortunately we were not able to stop the leak in the gulf but we had fun stuffing balls into a refinery pipe. We topped the morning off by visiting Steve in his office. AJ enjoyed looking at Toledo from 9 floors up.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Did April forget May??
It is beginnning to seem like the months of April and May switched. Where is the warm weather? We have had rain and cold temperatures for the entire month of May. We started the spring golf season great in April but it has been downhill since. Today was the opening shamble and between the wind, cold temperatures and wet conditions from all of the rain last week it was not great golf. if global warming is truly happening it doesn't seem to be here in Northwest Ohio.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Golf Photos from the past and present
Yesterday as I was searching old photos for one of my mom I came across these two old shots of John and Jessica. They were taken when we stayed on Anna Maria Island, in March of 1985. John was just over 4 years old and Jessica just over 2. How ironic to find them yesterday after just posting the pictures of AJ on Sunday.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
May 11, 1924
Today is my mothers 86th birthday. It is hard to imagine the changes that my parents have lived through. Mom grew up on a farm in Vicksburg, Michigan. The third daughter of 8 children born to immigrant parents from the Netherlands. I have seen the one room schoolhouse where she and her siblings walked to school through all kinds of weather. Work was the next step in her life. Times were hard and high school was not an option especially for girls. She was a working girl when she met my Dad who had returned to Kalamazoo after serving in WWII. They were married in 1948 and she and dad celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary last August. She worked throughout her life, taking years off to be a stay at home mom while my brother and I attended grade school. She retired in 1983 to spend more time being a grandma. The annual summer trips to Camp Cornell were very special to all of us. She is a champion for Mike. Never seeing the negatives of Down syndrome but always bragging about his accomplishments. Now there are great grandchildren and they are just as special.
Time to relax today mom, and enjoy your Birthday!
We love you.
This is a picture of Jessica and my Mother taken in 1983 when she was 59.

Happy Birthday Mom.
Time to relax today mom, and enjoy your Birthday!
We love you.
This is a picture of Jessica and my Mother taken in 1983 when she was 59.

Happy Birthday Mom.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mothers Day and a Birthday
I had a great weekend with friends and family to celebrate a birthday and Mothers Day. Mothers Day is still a reminder of John, but with the addition of my birthday to celebrate on the exact same day and being with Mike and Jesi and AJ how can we not be happy. It was so much fun to see Steve and AJ playing with the golf clubs. Mike and Steve cooked dinner and we skyped with my mom and dad.
A continued reminder that we must celebrate life.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Super Saver Wins the Derby
Saturday was a fun party at Belmont which included the watching of the Kentucky Derby. While there was no "real" betting involved Steve and I had picked our horses before we went over to the club. Since it is well known that I am a frugalist, Super Saver just seemed like a natural for me. Steve chose Ice Box...I think he uses a more scientific formula for choosing than I do but between us we did manage to pick the first and second place finishers.
May is the official start of the golf season at Belmont. The weather in April allowed more golfing than I think I have ever done in April in Ohio. Hopefully the nice conditions continue throughout the summer. My goal this year is to get a short game. For every hour I spent on the computer I will have to dedicate an equal hour to practicing golf.
May is the official start of the golf season at Belmont. The weather in April allowed more golfing than I think I have ever done in April in Ohio. Hopefully the nice conditions continue throughout the summer. My goal this year is to get a short game. For every hour I spent on the computer I will have to dedicate an equal hour to practicing golf.
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