It is a long plane ride to Hawaii from Perrysburg. We left on Friday morning from Detroit at 9:30 AM, travelled through Minneapolis to Honolulu and then caught the island hopper to Maui. We arrived at 5 PM Maui time which is 5 hours later than P-burg. So in all it was a 17 hour travel day. The time change is pretty easy although both Steve and I woke up at 3AM both days we have been here. It is kind of nice to force yourself to go back to sleep for 2 or 3 hours. We have been trying to make it until 10 PM at night to help adjust. As I write this at 4PM the condo is very quiet and I think there are some sleeping beauties. We played golf at 9AM on the Kapalua Bay Course finishing in about 4 1/2 hours. It was a beautiful course but the greens were very hard to putt. There is the ocean factor, and the mountains, and the grain of the grass to contend with. Since neither Steve nor I had played golf since last November we were pretty happy with our play today. Using the Sarge LBI ( lost ball index) rules Steve shot par golf, meaning he did not lose a single ball. As for me I put 2 into the ocean on the signature holes.
Tomorrow we play the famous Plantation Course at Kapalua. There is much more opportunity for trouble on this course. Hopefully we can continue with vacation golf rules and enjoy the scenic vistas.
Beside the beautiful golf courses I wanted to share some colorful Hawaii pictures. We saw this bird on our balcony yesterday and named him Buckeye bird because he reminds us of home.
We saw this Volkswagon parked after golf today. Later I saw the owners, a 70ish couple driving around in it. Only in Hawaii.
Aloha!!! How absolutely vibrant all of the colors are - the sky, the ocean, the waves crashing on the rocks - even the bird!!! Enjoy and know we are thinking about you and are vibrant green ourselves (the jealous color)!!!
With nine new inches of snow here-I don't even know what color green is any more! How can anyone keep their head down to the ball with those views? Please enjoy enough for all of us here. And thank you for the beautiful color!!
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