Saturday, January 24, 2009


Today was the first day this year I think that the temperature climbed above freezing. As the picture shows my car temp showed 38. Yeah! But alas it is not to last. Saturday the high is expected to be 18. The days are getting longer though and with more sunshine spring can not be far behind. The new windows are finished and I am in the process of putting the sun room back together. It is nice to have a clear view outside, no more foggy windows. The low temperature tonight will be a good indicator of how much more efficient the windows are. Hopefully there will be no frost on the inside.

Report on Slumdog.

Jane and I had a delightful time last night watching Slumdog and having dinner together.I really enjoyed the movie although parts of it were hard to watch. I do like happy endings and I can see the reason for the Oscar nominations. I guess my next movie should be Curious Case of Benjamin Button, because of the Oscar nominations it recieved. I am just having a hard time understanding the premise of what I see on the trailers for it. Maybe the weather will break and we won't have time for movies.

Enjoying the weekend.

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