When you can get an airfare of less than $100 round trip to California what better way to spend the weekend. We left Friday night and came home on the red eye Monday night. A few hours of sleep yesterday morning when we arrived back home and it was the perfect escape. We packed in many activities and had a great visit with Jessica.
We started on Saturday morning with a visit to the Getty Villa. The Getty Villa is an educational center and museum dedicated to the study of the arts and cultures of ancient Greece, Rome, and Etruria. Antiquities arranged by themes including Gods and Goddesses, Dionysos and the Theater, and Stories of the Trojan War are housed within Roman-inspired architecture and surrounded by Roman-style gardens. The new architectural plan surrounding the Villa is designed to simulate an archaeological dig. It was a beautiful way to display these artifacts in a natural setting. The pictures are of Steve and I in the outer peristyle and the herb gardens.
Dinner on Saturday was at the Stinking Rose Restaurant. I think Steve heard about this place on the food network and has wanted to try it ever since. Garlic is the theme and it was used in almost every manner. It was a great experience and I can now say I have eaten garlic ice cream. We have some souvenirs but not the garlic bulb hat.
Sunday was a gorgeous morning and we went to Venice beach to walk the beach and check out the boardwalk there. It remains an alternative lifestyle area. We then went up to the Griffith Park Observatory and saw the planatarium show. This is another basically free LA activity that is well worth the sight seeing time.
Jessica was able to take off work MOnday and we made the "Sideways" movie tour of Santa Barbara wine country. Well two wine tastings and lunch anyway. It was a perfect day and this area of the country is absolutely beautiful. Here we are finishing lunch in the picnic area at Gainey Winery.
It was a whirlwind of activity and it was nice to see Jessica but as always it is great to be back home.
I wondered where the Stanfords went. What an opportunity! Jessica and California at that price. Great pictures and an ideal description of southern California. I am glad you had such a good time in such a short package. Just wanted to say HI!
Traveling like a couple of college students - you go guys!!! I loved your pictures and actually think the garlic hat was very attractive on Jessica! Thanks for sharing the pix - it allows me to travel vicariously through you.
What fun!
Thinking about you all!!
Looks like it was fun. Now that im on the west coast myself i have to get to LA soon. And it makes me wish my parents were coming back here before Feb!! Hope you all are well!
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