Thursday, October 30, 2008

Interesting Week

My posting has not been as frequent. I am not particularly interested in commenting on politics or the stock market although they have held my interest this past week. Life is as normal as it can be.

But I did have an interesting event this week. I was cleaning the basement and re- organizing some of the "stuff" that all of us accumulate. I came across a folder that had obviously been misplaced years ago. It contained papers from the preschool that John and Jessica went to in 1985. There were papers from both John and Jessica. It was hard to look at them and not think about how unfair life has been. To John, to Jessica, to Mike, to Steve and I. And then oddly enough John's senior year book from St. Francis was under the stack of papers. I am sure everything had been in the same place since we moved into this house almost 8 years ago. I think John ask about the yearbook once but it was not an important possession to him. I re-read all of the
tributes to my son from 1999. I cried. I looked through the nursery school papers then and there was a Mothers Day card to me from John. It said "I love you Mom" .

Did he know how much I needed that? Was it purely circumstance? I think not. I still have to believe that there is a better place awaiting all of us. We miss John and I am sure he misses us but it is comforting to know he is there watching over us.

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. "
(John 14:2,3)


Anonymous said...

Linda, my heart is heavy for you. I can't imagine the depths of emotion these precious finds lead you to. John had a wonderful life-though way too short. He did love you and celebrated his life daily with his accomplishments. Many people carry John in their hearts-he will never be forgotten. My prayers are with you...

Anonymous said...

I too believe things happen for a reason.
When it is something that moves one's heart or soul - I think of them as "God winks"!
Those handwritten "I love yous" from the past are truly priceless!!!
Hope you feel John's love, as well, as so many of us who love you dearly!