There are times I feel we must have offended the Gods on some level. Yesterday I got a call from Jesi at the hospital. AJ was not recovering from a cold and sinus infection and she had taken him to the emergency room on Tuesday night because he was still vomiting. She was worried about him getting dehydrated because he was getting very lethargic and seemed to be losing weight. Well the diagnosis was a shocker. AJ has type 1 diabetes. (formerly called juvenile diabetes) He will be in the hospital until Friday getting everything regulated. They feel this has developed from a virus he had. Something I didn't even know could happen. I was at the hospital yesterday after they got the insulin and ketones regulated and he was becoming much more himself. I guess on Tuesday night at some points it was very critical. Fortunately Jesi had her aunt Susan with her until AJ was stabilized.
I am on my way to St V's now to see how things are going today. I guess Jesi was going to be meeting with nutritionists and dietitians to start learning all there is to know about feeding and caring for someone with diabetes. She will also have to learn to give AJ insulin shots. I just can't believe how many problems have been coming our way. It just makes me shake my head and say WHOA!!
Oh Linda, i wish there were some answers, Feel a hug of unity and let me know if there is anything I can do. I am thinking about you and Steve and Jesi and of course AJ. I know there is no consolation but I did meds at the middle school and every year we saw the kids who had it and there was no way of knowing. They were all as active and fun loving as any other kid. They were all very educated about the disease and just accepted it and went on with their lives. I know you will be finding out a lot about it in the coming weeks and you will educate yourself thoroughly. My prayers are with you.
Enough is enough...Jesi is lucky that she has good family to help her through this and an especially good mother-in-law. More prayers and love going to you. I am sure John was watching over both AJ and Jesi and had a hand in stabilizing the situation. Take a deep breath and get through the week. God is watching over all of you.
I am so sorry for all of you having to go through this and yet so glad that there is treatment, and as Kim said, kids with this condition lead very normal lives. I too see it at my school. We even have two young students battling cancer, and they continue to inspire me as they want to be treated like everyone else.
As I have said before - tough planet, and we were created for the "garden". Wish I could take away your pain and frustration - know that I am loving you and keeping you and yours tight in my daily prayers. My heart goes out to you all!
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