Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thought for the day

"You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give. "
Eleanor Roosevelt

Sometime maybe the best you have to give is just getting up and facing the day.


Anonymous said...

Yikes you sound very down today and I am sorry for you. You are beautiful, intelligent and very charming. Did that help??

You are very loved and I promise you, not every day will feel like this one. You remain in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sweet and courageous friend - I continue to admire how you do face each day and do what needs to be done. I pray strength your way. I continue to love, admire, and hope for you to have peace in your life.
You are a warrior princess!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Linda-and I hope it is good. I really like the Julie term-I anoint you "Linda Warrior Princess" Actually it should be all one word Lindawarriorprincess. You are strong and courageous and most of all not alone. Feel hugs from all of us.

ps maybe Lindawarriorprincess is too long and you can go by LWP. It kind of sounds like a rapper but it works-stripped to the base and ready to fight-with information,support and love