The end of a week or the beginning of a week. My choice this week is the end. Another new start tomorrow. AJ and Jesi are doing OK. They are home in the apartment and Jesi will be monitoring AJ's sugar levels with the doctor all week. This will help to insure an acurate dose of the long acting insulin and then he will still get readings before each meal. He will have to be injected after each meal based on how many carbohydrates he consumes. It is really all about math at this point. The activity level will be the harder part. Jesi has ask me to go with her this week to the doctor appointments to learn how to recognize symptoms and manage the insulin. It will be a challenge but I am up for it. We are all in this together.
"It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid."
Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes.
Publius Syrus
Happy to hear that AJ and Jesi are at home and on the way to managing this latest challenge. Why am I not surprised to hear you say that you are ready to help however you can. Your family continues to grow stronger and stronger and remember that John is also watching over Jesi and AJ. Now he has another task of being the "guardian insulin angel."
You are in my thoughts and all are in our prayers.
Your support and keen mind will be a huge help to Jesse and AJ. You continue to be a most remarkable woman (as is Jesse). I wish I could lend some physical support, but do feel my thoughts, love, and prayers coming your way. Always!
With an army of love on his side AJ will never know how to not fight with information and support. You, and I hope Jesi, know that we are all by your sides to help in whatever way is needed OR wanted. Physical support-I can do that I am barely an hour away. And emotional support is already coming in droves from all over the world-and heaven too. There is no such thing as isolation-feel a hug...
A new week or a new day brings the
hope and possibilities of better days ahead. It sounds like you are back on your feet and ready to meet any new challenge. Thinking and praying for you.
Of course this is all a shock. I have seen many a parents face when we give them this same news. And then follows the good news: this is manageable. And AJ is young. He will be use to this by the time he starts school, and will be comfortable explaining it to other kids. Often that is the hardest part. Prayers and hugs and 112 degree weather from AZ.
"For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self control."
- 2 Timothy 1:7
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