With much sadness I remember that this weekend last year was the weekend John was rushed to the emergency room and the brain tumors were diagnosed. I knew at that time the magnitude of that diagnosis but I remained so hopeful that John would be the exception. That something would work on him that hadn't worked before. Now I see so many others following this same path. Melanoma is a dreadful disease that is attacking young vibrant adults. It needs to be stopped. More research needs to be done. We all need to be more vigilant on checking moles and using sunscreen. It hurts me every time I read about another person dying from this disease.
Father Singler is honoring John during 4:30 Saturday mass at Rosary Cathedral. He set this date right after the funeral and I am sure he did not know about the events of last June. Coincidental the timing?? I think not.
This week has obviously been one of the downs in the up and down cycle of handling grief. And it always seems to happen right after things seem to be going well. Looking for the even keel again.
Sending strength Linda...how well I remember that day-we were together and you were so strong making sure things were going well for that evening's dinner. I knew how very difficult that day was for you and I am hoping that somehow that is why I was meant to be there that day-so you wouldn't have to be alone with your thoughts. I am hoping you take strength from all you will touch and talk to this weekend-put on your LWP gear and face the weekend with loving memories and all the hugs you can gather. I am sending one now...
I too will never forget that day - and felt privileged to be present and join with Kim in hoping that we brought you some comfort (or at least a good distraction)on that day. We will continue to support you and walk with you throughout your life. I will be ever grateful for the connection we all have as we draw on the strength that we can provide eachother.
Feel me loving you and thinking of you especially today!!!
Saturday June 28
My thoughts are with you all day today and will be especially at 4:30 this afternoon. I hope that Mass would be comforting to you. Now that this "down week" is over,I pray for a gentler week as we begin the month of July.
With love and caring.
ps Be sure to check your email as I hope to send you a wedding photo!!
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