Today is my Dad's birthday and I am happy to be in Florida to help him celebrate the start of his 84th year. Way to go Dad!! You look great. This is a picture of my mom and dad taken last Sunday after breakfast on the beach. You have taught me a lot about parenting , one of the most significant things has been that parenting never stops. I know that as I worry about my children you are worrying about how your daughter is coping. It is nice to know there is that circle of life.

I am back at the Resort at Longboat Key Club and trying to put together the events of the last couple of days. I uploaded the pictures and it seems Rosemary and I are a little fuzzy. I guess we should have taken pictures at tennis earlier in the day when we looked sharper rather than waiting until after happy hour. It was a wonderful visit.
We are heading home next week. The plan is a little changed. Originally we were was going to go down to Naples for an ABA meeting after Longboat than over to the panhandle to visit friends. Now we may just head back up to Perrysburg this weekend. Things are still in flux today as there are many details to wrap up before any decisions are made. So for today I am going to enjoy resort life again and try to stay flexible.
One more great piece of news this week is that John and Jesi have a contract on their house. When I talked to John he was very happy with the potential buyer. If everything goes as scheduled they want to close on February 15. Jesi has been out apartment hunting this week and they are putting together a moving plan. We are thankful that this has all happen so quickly.
Here's a quote for all of us at any age.
"You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're
willing to be a beginner."
Happy Birthday to your Dad-He looks great!
I am so glad to read happy news coming from Perrysburg! Hip Hip Hooray. It will be nice having John, Jesi and AJ so close with the house not hanging overhead. Hopefully spring will arrive soon and the good news will continue to roll.
Feel a big giant cyber hug and know we all all rooting for you and keeping you close in our thoughts. Big hello's to Steve-we hope to see you both soon.
Take Care
First of all: Happy Birthday to Dad. Although it saddened me that you needed to leave, I surely can appreciate how important it was that you made it to Sarasota for his birthday celebration.
I don't quite get why we looked so fuzzy...as I recall that night you didn't start looking fuzzy to me until a few hours after the picture was taken. Speaking of fuzzy, I think my mouth was rather fuzzy the next morning.
Everyone you played tennis with on Tuesday asked for you and wants me to send you their best wishes. They all had hoped you might decide to buy a house here and join our team (like another one of my friends did this past summer). We did win our match today but I know it would have been more fun it you were still here.
It is always assuring to hear good news from Ohio -- way to go John and Jesi and now we hope to hear Mike lands his dream job!!
Had so hoped that you and Steve might make it back through here or had enough time to join us at the Daytona 500 next weekend but I can understand your need to get back to family but not your need to get back to your sub zero weather.
My love to you and Steve, be safe on your journey home, and try to stay relaxed even if it means being a little "fuzzy."
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