Well actually since February 29th only comes once every four years the fact that it has been an ordinary day should be ok. I have definitely decided that February is the month to escape Toledo even more so than January. We have been back for two weeks and these two weeks have produced enough snow and cold temperatures to help set February records for this area. I am ready for spring, sunshine and warmer temperatures. It doesn't look like they will be here for next week but with March calendar dates the warmer weather has to be coming. The gray days are part of the problem of this area too. The snow is very pretty but without the sunshine it just blends into the gray sky making for a very monocromatic landscape. Blah in other words!
Jessica is coming in for a visit next friday and for that I am thankful. I so enjoy her company and youthful enthusiam. We will have a short visit as she is just here for the weekend but I am sure we will pack much into it. She wants to spend some time with John and Jesi, and of course, continue building that AJ bond with Aunt Jessica, but I am sure there will be some time for chilling with Mom and Dad.
Steve is anxious to get some vacation time on the calendar too. The time in Florida was nice for me but he was working more than if he had been here in Perrysburg, so a vacation is in order. We are hopeful to get away to Tortola again for a little R and R and scuba diving either late April or early May.
Mike was out job interviewing again today. He is ready to get back into the work force and have a daily schedule. There are a couple of full time opportunities that we think will be a great fit, and so we have been reluctant to start any part time jobs, although there seem to be plenty of part time jobs available. We are giving it another week or so and then will pursue that option.
John, Jesi and AJ seem to have settled into the apartment this week. John will be starting his week on the chemo pill Friday and seeing the Toledo radiologist next week. It is so nice to have them closeby and offer whatever help they need.
"The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook."
"In prosperity, our friends know us;in adversity, we know our friends." John Churton Collins
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Yes Deer

There were actually three deer but I couldn't get the picture fast enough to capture all three. They came through the back yard this morning and again at dinner time. I got the camera at breakfast but they had already run through the yard before I could take a picture. Then when I was fixing dinner tonight I looked up and I think it was the same three deer. They are so graceful running down the fairways. Unfortunately they eat all of my summer flowers and green bushes but at this time of year they are fun to see.
"Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic."
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dawn on Tuesday Morn

"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions."
Monday, February 25, 2008
Los Angeles and the Oscars
Jessica has not had much blog space so it is fun to share some of our conversation from Saturday. She ask me what we planned on doing Sunday night for the Academy Awards Program. I told her we may or may not even watch since we had not seen any of the movies nominated. (actually I have seen Juno) This surprised her as she and Ben have been watching all of the nominated films on the lot this past month. Usually the studio has their own movies showing for employees, but obviously this time of year the best picture movies are the talk of Hollywood. She then told me she and Ben were going to watch the program Sunday night at a friends house who was having an Oscar Party. There would be $5 pools on which movies, actors, and actresses would win. It sounds like they have a kind of Super Bowl Sunday night. I am sure those kind of parties take place all over but it is probably so much more fun in Hollywood. As it was, I did tune in then, and ended up staying up for the final announcement of best picture. I think I like watching the actresses dresses more than any other part of the show. Red was the new black this year based on how many ladies were sporting red dresses last night. I did enjoy watching and I can imagine it would have even been more fun if I had seen more of the movies nominated.
Steve and I did watch an older flick this weekend that Jessica recommended because it was filmed in the building she works in. The original Die Hard movie with Bruce Willis was filmed in the Fox Studio building. When we visited Jessica in October she talked about it when she showed us around her office and so it has been on our agenda to watch. It was fun to see a landmark we knew in a movie and it was an entertaining movie. We both were surprised that it was released in 1988.
All else is quiet on the homefront.
Thought for today..." Sleep, riches, and health to be truly enjoyed must be interrupted." Jean Paul Richter
But I might change it to "Sleep, riches, and health to be truly appreciated must be interrupted."
Steve and I did watch an older flick this weekend that Jessica recommended because it was filmed in the building she works in. The original Die Hard movie with Bruce Willis was filmed in the Fox Studio building. When we visited Jessica in October she talked about it when she showed us around her office and so it has been on our agenda to watch. It was fun to see a landmark we knew in a movie and it was an entertaining movie. We both were surprised that it was released in 1988.
All else is quiet on the homefront.
Thought for today..." Sleep, riches, and health to be truly enjoyed must be interrupted." Jean Paul Richter
But I might change it to "Sleep, riches, and health to be truly appreciated must be interrupted."
Friday, February 22, 2008
Some Pictures of my time with AJ

Other words are hard to come by. I was with John yesterday and he is dealing with this latest news as well as can be expected. He has decided to discuss the whole brain radiation with a Toledo doctor. His Columbus doc will discuss it sometime next week with the referral doc here before he schedules an appointment. Insurance issues have caused a delay with the temador but hopefully that will be resolved by Monday and round two can begin. We will continue to fight and perhaps we can still come up with a combination of drugs, radiation, prayers, and positive thoughts that will kill melanoma. Hope,faith, and love have been known to go a long way.
To top off our week we attended a funeral today of a law partner of Steve's who was also a neighbor and good friend. While funerals have never been something I do well this one was especially hard for me. The graveside service included the release of a beautiful dove. With the landscape of fresh white snow and a clear blue sky, the upward flight of the white dove was very moving. With my emotions so close to the surface I used the old Doctor Laura technique of doing math problems to get my brain out of the emotional half and into the logical half. If you have never tried this technique it does work. Multiplication tables work especially well I have found but it is hard to hold much of a conversation when you get beyond 4 times 13.
That's my humor for today. We are all doing ok thanks in part to our family and friends support. It helps and is felt. Keep those cyber hugs, prayers, and thoughts coming.
" We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."
Maya Angelou
To top off our week we attended a funeral today of a law partner of Steve's who was also a neighbor and good friend. While funerals have never been something I do well this one was especially hard for me. The graveside service included the release of a beautiful dove. With the landscape of fresh white snow and a clear blue sky, the upward flight of the white dove was very moving. With my emotions so close to the surface I used the old Doctor Laura technique of doing math problems to get my brain out of the emotional half and into the logical half. If you have never tried this technique it does work. Multiplication tables work especially well I have found but it is hard to hold much of a conversation when you get beyond 4 times 13.
That's my humor for today. We are all doing ok thanks in part to our family and friends support. It helps and is felt. Keep those cyber hugs, prayers, and thoughts coming.
" We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."
Maya Angelou
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Not the news we hoped for
I just talked to Steve and the news on John is not good. The brain tumors are growing. The doctor has recommended doubling the dose of temodar (the chemo) and starting whole brain radiation. The other tumors in his body are probably causing the pain and the doctor has also upped the dosage on pain meds. If John chooses to do the whole brain radiation it can be done here in Toledo which will be much easier as it will probably involve daily radiation for upward of two weeks. I am devastated. I had so hoped that things could at least stay stable for a while longer. But now is not the time to be down. Steve will be talking to John on the ride home discussing the options and we will be supportive of whichever path John chooses to take. While I know the prognosis is not good I will continue to pray for a miracle.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Secret to longer days revealed
I have found the secret to making your day longer. Spend it with an 18 month old. AJ and I got up at 6:30 AM and after a little milk and highly caffenated coffee for Linda we watched a little Disney channel, read all about Dora going to the dentist, (6 times), and Elmo taking a bath, (3 times), and then we played chase the ball down the hall (18 times), and then we ate breakfast with grandpa and sent him off to the office and then AJ took a bath, splashing water all over the big jacuzzi tub and then....it was 8:30. After another 100 different activities I looked at the clock thinking it must be time for lunch but it was only 11AM!!! At that point I decided it was time to brush my teeth... and get out of my jammies. Yes I do remember these days with John, Jessica and Mike, but I was lots younger than. How did we ever get anything done? More importantly how did we survive? Steve and John took off for Columbus around noon and after lunch AJ and Linda took an afternoon nap. In my days of motherhood that must have been when the house got cleaned, the laundry was done, the bills were paid, grocery shopping was done, and we exercised and took care of ourselves. We were GOOD to get all that done in the period of a 2 hour nap period. I started writing this while AJ was watching TV this morning and I guess I will get it finished and posted finally while Mike is playing hide and seek with AJ before we get him into his jammies. Then it will be off to bed to get ready for another busy, but long day. I sure wish I could bottle up some of that 18 month old energy!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Too busy to call anyone
Well since we have been back it has been one hectic moment after another. John was with us all weekend as Jesi was suppose to go to a concert. But the band got sick and cancelled the concert and it turned out to be a good thing because John was really bad on Saturday night and so Jesi came over too. Then Jesi got some kind of flu on sunday and she went back to their apartment to keep the germs away from John and AJ. So today I was home all day with John and AJ and we kept checking in on Jesi by phone. She was feeling a little better but it has been decided that Steve will go down to Columbus with John tomorrow and Wednesday for his scans and doctors appointments. I will stay here with AJ and make sure Jesi is OK. I am sure the stress of everything including the moving has not helped anyone's immune system. Fortuantely so far other than a few sniffles AJ has been healthy. I am just wishing there could have been some half way point between all that free time in Long Boat and no free time now. It is after 10 now and I know AJ will be up by 7 so it is lights out for me too. Today's thought is one I don't think people really ever realize the true meaning of until you don't have your health.
"If you have your health, you have everything"
I don't know who first said it or made it a famous quote but if YOU are healthy, you really do not have any right to complain about anything in your life.
"If you have your health, you have everything"
I don't know who first said it or made it a famous quote but if YOU are healthy, you really do not have any right to complain about anything in your life.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Ohio Wintery fun
Steve and I went cross country skiing across the golf course this morning. It was a beautiful clear sunny morning and the snow was perfect for skiing. Quite a change from sitting on the beach last Saturday. We knew we had to take advantage of the perfect conditions even though there were other things we could have been doing. Tomorrow the snow will probably be gone as it is suppose to be in the 40's with rain showers.
John and Jesi closed on their house yesterday. In this market it was a miracle that they were able to sell so quickly and get close to what they wanted to out of the house. Life should be much easier for Jesi and John being closer to family. Jesi hopes to do some substitute teaching in the near future and I will be able to help with John and AJ. The oncologist at Ohio State will still be the primary doctor for John but hopefully he will not have to make trips there too often.
As many of you know I have been following other melanoma bloggers in their journeys. On Valentine Day I happen to check one of the blogs of a young husband who lost his wife to melanoma last November. His Valentine Day post is worth reading if you have ever questioned the connection between heaven and earth. Here is the link:
Based on that blog post I offer this quote for today:
"Insight is better than eyesight when it comes to seeing an angel."
John and Jesi closed on their house yesterday. In this market it was a miracle that they were able to sell so quickly and get close to what they wanted to out of the house. Life should be much easier for Jesi and John being closer to family. Jesi hopes to do some substitute teaching in the near future and I will be able to help with John and AJ. The oncologist at Ohio State will still be the primary doctor for John but hopefully he will not have to make trips there too often.
As many of you know I have been following other melanoma bloggers in their journeys. On Valentine Day I happen to check one of the blogs of a young husband who lost his wife to melanoma last November. His Valentine Day post is worth reading if you have ever questioned the connection between heaven and earth. Here is the link:
Based on that blog post I offer this quote for today:
"Insight is better than eyesight when it comes to seeing an angel."
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
"For twas not into my ear you whispered But into my heart. Twas not my lips you kissed But my soul."
Something for Valentine's Day. There are of course lots of quotes to choose from but this one struck me because of its author. As I read it I thought it might be Shakespeare but no it was Judy Garland. It is good to remember that love is felt deepest in the heart and soul. But it never hurts to get those hugs and kisses.
It is great to be home although somewhat overwhelming with getting everything back up to routine. Being away from home was an escape from being faced with the real life problems that are ongoing right now. It is hard to see John not feeling well and not be able to do anything. I will try to maintain the energy I got from being away to sustain a positive outlook.
Something for Valentine's Day. There are of course lots of quotes to choose from but this one struck me because of its author. As I read it I thought it might be Shakespeare but no it was Judy Garland. It is good to remember that love is felt deepest in the heart and soul. But it never hurts to get those hugs and kisses.
It is great to be home although somewhat overwhelming with getting everything back up to routine. Being away from home was an escape from being faced with the real life problems that are ongoing right now. It is hard to see John not feeling well and not be able to do anything. I will try to maintain the energy I got from being away to sustain a positive outlook.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Steve and I left Sarasota Monday morning and had an uneventful trip to Atlanta. We were delighted to get to see the Smith's daughter and her husband, Christie and Josh, with baby Davis on Monday night. Tom and Julie once again outdid themselves as wonderful hosts. To all of my regular readers Tom did point out that if I am going to post pictures with commentary it should be correct and he therefore gave me a book of bird pictures. It seems that what I labeled as a pelican was indeed a heron. He picked it up right away when reading the blog as he knew pelicans were short legged birds. If you scroll back to the picture you will see my heron with long graceful legs. Tom and Julie have become regular readers and are often finding themselves using my quotes in their daily lives. It is amazing to me that I am having an impact in others lives merely by writing about my own. It is a very good kind of amazed. Thank you for sharing those words Tom and Julie.
The second day of a road trip home is rarely the high point of any trip and Tuesday was no exception. We cruised out of Atlanta and did fine until just short of our home state of Ohio. The temperature began dropping and the rain started. By Dayton it was freezing rain and we had encountered several accidents along the freeway. The last 3 hours were awful driving conditions and I have finally vowed never to do a road trip again. Flying and renting a car will be standard procedure from now on. But we did arrive safely home around 8 PM last night and everyone was still here. John and Jesi and AJ stayed the night as the apartment still isn't quite unpacked. It was good to see everyone and Mike was especially happy to have Mom and Dad home again.
Today I am staying home with John and AJ while Jesi does some more work at the apartment. Our suitcases need to be unpacked too but there isn't much that can't wait. There is of course a hugh stack of mail but a quick sort though didn't reveal anything that needed immediate attention. Thank goodness for the internet. It allows you to be gone and keep up on so much.
John is looking forward to getting back to his own bed as he continues to have a great deal of back pain. He also has not had an appetite lately and seems to be throwing up what he does eat. Not good signs but he will be having all of the scans done next week and an appointment with the oncologist. We hope to get him some relief for these issues next week. Jesi and John will be in Columbus, Tuesday and Wednesday and I will keep AJ here. AJ continues to be a bright spot in all of our lives.
Special thanks to several people that helped out around Perrysburg and Marysville while Steve and I were in Florida. It made my life easier knowing there were people available for Mike as well as John and Jesi. Also thanks to everyone we encountered along the way to and from Florida and while we were there. It was a memorable trip and a great break in winter weather and life in Perrysburg.
So many quotes come to mind today including "pay it forward", and "what goes around comes around". But I promised Julie one that I had come across earlier that was so descriptive of making changes in the world. This is the quote from Mother Teresa.
"If you cannot feed a hundred people, feed just one."
The second day of a road trip home is rarely the high point of any trip and Tuesday was no exception. We cruised out of Atlanta and did fine until just short of our home state of Ohio. The temperature began dropping and the rain started. By Dayton it was freezing rain and we had encountered several accidents along the freeway. The last 3 hours were awful driving conditions and I have finally vowed never to do a road trip again. Flying and renting a car will be standard procedure from now on. But we did arrive safely home around 8 PM last night and everyone was still here. John and Jesi and AJ stayed the night as the apartment still isn't quite unpacked. It was good to see everyone and Mike was especially happy to have Mom and Dad home again.
Today I am staying home with John and AJ while Jesi does some more work at the apartment. Our suitcases need to be unpacked too but there isn't much that can't wait. There is of course a hugh stack of mail but a quick sort though didn't reveal anything that needed immediate attention. Thank goodness for the internet. It allows you to be gone and keep up on so much.
John is looking forward to getting back to his own bed as he continues to have a great deal of back pain. He also has not had an appetite lately and seems to be throwing up what he does eat. Not good signs but he will be having all of the scans done next week and an appointment with the oncologist. We hope to get him some relief for these issues next week. Jesi and John will be in Columbus, Tuesday and Wednesday and I will keep AJ here. AJ continues to be a bright spot in all of our lives.
Special thanks to several people that helped out around Perrysburg and Marysville while Steve and I were in Florida. It made my life easier knowing there were people available for Mike as well as John and Jesi. Also thanks to everyone we encountered along the way to and from Florida and while we were there. It was a memorable trip and a great break in winter weather and life in Perrysburg.
So many quotes come to mind today including "pay it forward", and "what goes around comes around". But I promised Julie one that I had come across earlier that was so descriptive of making changes in the world. This is the quote from Mother Teresa.
"If you cannot feed a hundred people, feed just one."
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Trying to soak up all warm sunny weather
Knowing that the temperature in Ohio is in the teens makes getting ready to leave Florida harder. We played vacation golf (means you don't keep score) yesterday and will spent today walking the beach and watching the waves.
Little did Tom and Julie know we really would be coming back through Atlanta and accepting their open invitation of lodging. It certainly wasn't the original plan but it will be fun to get to see them again and check out how much they have improved their dart throwing. Steve is already saving dollar bills for the pool table challenges.
I have relaxed and unwound and I am ready to get home and start concentrating on getting Mike back to work. And even though the groundhog did say 6 more weeks of winter that means Spring in Ohio is just around the corner. Time to start planning for the Masters Party, and golfing season.
"Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right "
Henry Ford
Little did Tom and Julie know we really would be coming back through Atlanta and accepting their open invitation of lodging. It certainly wasn't the original plan but it will be fun to get to see them again and check out how much they have improved their dart throwing. Steve is already saving dollar bills for the pool table challenges.
I have relaxed and unwound and I am ready to get home and start concentrating on getting Mike back to work. And even though the groundhog did say 6 more weeks of winter that means Spring in Ohio is just around the corner. Time to start planning for the Masters Party, and golfing season.
"Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right "
Henry Ford
Friday, February 8, 2008
Florida Wrap Up

Looking forward to hitting a golf ball tomorrow,
Today's quote is from my sister in law Terry. It is a slight change to a well known quote.
" God, Grant unto me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change.
And the power to change the things I cannot accept!!"
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my Dad's birthday and I am happy to be in Florida to help him celebrate the start of his 84th year. Way to go Dad!! You look great. This is a picture of my mom and dad taken last Sunday after breakfast on the beach. You have taught me a lot about parenting , one of the most significant things has been that parenting never stops. I know that as I worry about my children you are worrying about how your daughter is coping. It is nice to know there is that circle of life.

I am back at the Resort at Longboat Key Club and trying to put together the events of the last couple of days. I uploaded the pictures and it seems Rosemary and I are a little fuzzy. I guess we should have taken pictures at tennis earlier in the day when we looked sharper rather than waiting until after happy hour. It was a wonderful visit.
We are heading home next week. The plan is a little changed. Originally we were was going to go down to Naples for an ABA meeting after Longboat than over to the panhandle to visit friends. Now we may just head back up to Perrysburg this weekend. Things are still in flux today as there are many details to wrap up before any decisions are made. So for today I am going to enjoy resort life again and try to stay flexible.
One more great piece of news this week is that John and Jesi have a contract on their house. When I talked to John he was very happy with the potential buyer. If everything goes as scheduled they want to close on February 15. Jesi has been out apartment hunting this week and they are putting together a moving plan. We are thankful that this has all happen so quickly.
Here's a quote for all of us at any age.
"You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're
willing to be a beginner."
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Good times....great memories...
and old friends....make that old friendships. I got to Jacksonville late Monday afternoon and enjoyed spending the evening with Rosemary and her family. Many memories relived. How can it be we have passed so many years? We remember things like yesterday that happen 30 years ago? It is so amazing that with some friends we can pick up with out missing a beat. Rosemary and I could relate conversations we had in 1976. We were there in the moment 32 years ago. Very Weird! I loved being able to be here though and not be in my "other life". It was fun! It was outside my life now. It is what I remember life can be like. I need to know that I can play tennis and golf and have lunch and get a pedicure and that life will go on. It is a good lesson. It is good to know that my friends are there to take me in without question. I appreciate that now more than ever.
"A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway."
- Fr. Jerome Cummings
"A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway."
- Fr. Jerome Cummings
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Superbowl Sunday

Ok so the week got away from me. A little tennis and meeting a new Perrysburg neighbor in Sarasota occupied Friday and Saturday. Today was the first day Steve did not have any work related meetings. We had brunch on the beach with my mom and dad and then brought them back to see where we have been spending the month. Dad took this picture of Steve and I in front of the Longboat Key Club. We were able to spend the afternoon on the beach and enjoyed relaxing and spending time with each other. We are watching the superbowl in the room and will root for the best team to win, while enjoying the commercials. Tomorrow I am heading to Jacksonville to visit with my friend Rosemary. My readers know her as a well written commenter to this blog, but in fact she is one great lady. We have not spent enough time together over the past 30+ years but we will make a dent in catching up again over the next few days.
I think it is odd that last week the date of February 2, Ground Hog Day is widely celebrated in Ohio and Michigan and probably all of the midwestern states but not nearly so much in Florida. I think I heard it mentioned once on the news this week but never heard whether the groundhog saw his shadow or not. I guess he did and that there will be 6 more weeks of winter. I guess we will be able to enjoy some Perrysburg winter after all. But I am enjoying the Florida weather for now.
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