Monday, October 28, 2013

Time for a little Fall Gardening

My garden mentor Kathy is leaving Perrysburg so the concept of creating an island garden in our front circle became a more immediate job. Kathy and I brainstormed some designs,
picked some plants, and began the process. Project started Friday October 25, 2013.

                                  Phase One was to outline the circle with some bricks
and plant 2 dwarf Butterfly Bushes

Phase Two
Adjust outline and begin placing plants.
Dig lots of holes
15 Garnet Sedums
8 Walkers Low Catmint
 5 Pink Guara

Monday, October 21, 2013

OMG!!! Its October

It seems like time is a commodity that I have little control of lately. I am not sure what I am accomplishing but the days and weeks just fly by. Golf season is winding down although I still hope to have a few good rounds this year. We played Sunday and although a bit windy it was fun. Jessica and Mike continue to do well in their perspective areas. Jessica still loves Boston and Mike loves Bowling Green now. Or at least he loves living on his own. Friends have told me they are having some problems with blogspot so before I write a lengthy update I will attempt to post this with a promise to add more later if everything goes through.