My weekly posting goal is over but I am still committed to publishing. Since the travel schedule has finally slowed down the golf schedule had picked up. There are the regular Wednesday ladies game and couples on Sundays and it seems someone always needs a fourth on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Even though we can play pretty quickly at Belmont it is still a 3-4 hour round of golf plus lunch sometimes so it takes a big chink of time. I love it though so I just need to figure out how to sandwich in the regular tasks such as laundry and cooking and house cleaning. And now with the addition of gardening there really isn't ever any downtime. I could spend all day in the yard putzing around.
Bird update is that we had 7 swallow eggs that have hatched but haven't left the nest yet. I am still feeding bluebirds but do not have a nesting pair in either of my houses. The bluebirds are fun to watch as they feed the new babies.
Daddy bluebird with 3 meal worms ready to feed the babies
Two babies in the feeding cup and one babies with dad on top of the feeder
Babies in the bird bath